Business Consultancy

Explore YOUR Freedom with us!


Explore YOUR Freedom with us!

The consultancy we provide at SpaceBoats is based on the method of Transformative Learning. Rather than providing you additional information or tips about something, we work on taking away what’s in the way of you being effective and powerful with the knowledge that you already have. The results leave you in action, producing breakthroughs that dramatically expand your accomplishments. We accomplish your Business Transformation in following [6] steps:


There are 2 kinds of fire that drives human ambition, i.e. ‘fire on the ass,’ and ‘fire in the belly.’ Most of the people that have set out any kind of an endeavor, are driven by either kinds of fire. Before we start , we will get clarity around what kind of fire is driving you to pursue your endeavor. Having clarity around these existential questions, will give you an opening to discover your purpose for your endeavor. And when you discover it, your life might never be the same!


Imagine the structure of your business, being analogous to a structure occurring naturally in the nature. Its observed through generations that the nature works in fractals, so learning and implementing such laws of fractals can make your business structure operate naturally. We will be learning and applying the techniques of Biomimicry, Crystallization, Pareto Principle, Pascale’s Hexangle, and Neural Network AI methods to create a structure for your business, in a way that it has a life of its own!

3. TRANSFORMATIVE Communication

When you are all alone, completely by yourself, is anyone talking to you? Yes, you are talking to yourself! Infact, you are talking to yourself all the time, and so is everybody else talking to themselves all the time! Hence, everything we do is heavily influenced by how we communicate with ourself. Imagine the freedom you’d experience being able to command your listening. With Transformative communications, we will be creating prototypes around your business that works and grows with every interaction!  

4. BMS (Business Management System)

‘Whatever you can see, you can move.’ This is the first law of management. Now, take a moment and ask yourself, are you related powerfully with your finances? with your employees? your team mates? your family? your health and fitness? With BMS, we will be working upon creating a solid system around Atticates, Document management, Periodic tasks, Statistics, and Incentive Program, which will bring clarity to you and your team to grow big into the purpose you have created!  

5. Create GAMES

Take a moment, and go back to the time when you were a kid. What was that sport, or game, that you played that made you happy? It can be any silly game that you played, and you played the game just for the sake of playing it. Tell me about this game in the most vivid way you can! Now imagine ‘creating’ a game around your business that aligns with your purpose! A game where obstacles in your business are nothing but just the conditions of the game you have created! What you your life look like playing games all the time? 


After creating breakthroughs with all of your transformations, what’s something more you can add to what you have already created? This is the area where I will be learning from you around all that you can see to include in this whole six step process. This will be the most exciting time because we will be diving into the unknown for our next adventure. All your breakthroughs are just the beginning of all that is available for you from the infinite ocean of opportunities!


Greetings, I am Jay Mehta. I was inspired for providing Business Consultancy to the world after being successful at creating and implementing self-generative systems for my Father’s company in India. It started in 2020, when the company had more than 100 employees, and the most amount of IT that was used in the company was to send emails, and for accounting purposes. There were no tools that were ever used by the company employees that would allow for online meetings like zoom, or google-meet, etc. Along with the 10-hour time difference between India and the US, I was doing a full-time engineering job and living a bachelor’s life. With all of these obstacles, it seemed like its impossible to even start this project. Every single soul I talked to said that its impossible to transform the business the way I envisioned. Infact, I was provided with examples of people who tried to transform the existing business, and they failed miserably, and lost what they already had.

Today, we have systems working in the company soo efficiently, that the management is able to have 1×1  conversations with all hundred employees of the company. All the tasks are recorded with specific measurable details, and are reviewed on weekly basis without fail. The culture that we have developed is all around developing the employees, since employees of the company are the company but not the buildings and the infrastructure. If you want to know more about our business consultancy, then please contact us, we will be glad to have a conversation with you. 

[The name of the company that is being talked about in the above article is Shreeji Aqua Treatment Pvt. Ltd.]

We enhance the experience of FREEDOM for our customers by delivering them 100% ORGANIC products and services.

We enhance the experience of FREEDOM for our customers by delivering them 100% ORGANIC products and services. 

Our Services:

SpaceBoats NFTs (RED)

Checkout and buy the NFTs of my unique, one and only design in the world available from here. There is no such design existing in the world other than one from me.

Authentic Products (BLUE)

Checkout and buy Vegan, Organic, Allergens Free, Authentic, and Custom Made in India products over here. I have cherrypicked these products for transformation.

Business Consultation (YELLOW)

Hit me up to know about how I have transformed businesses by applying Regenerative methods based on Math, IT, Nature, and Communication!

Everything Else (GREEN)

Checkout several other cool things we do around exploration, research, innovative projects, and social projects.

Email: Jay@SpaceBoats.Space
Phone: (717)425-3625
Address: 2200 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Apt N1003, Philadelphia, PA 19130

    A Ship floats on Water,
    a SpaceShip floats in Space.
    A Ship is a big Boat,
    a SpaceShip is a big SpaceBoat!

    A Ship floats on Water, a SpaceShip floats in Space.
    A Ship is a big Boat, a SpaceShip is a big SpaceBoat!

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